Shusheng is committed to value creation and maximization for the energy industry. We take pride in our core competency in providing AI-based, integrated managed solutions to enterprise clients globally.

RaaS + MLaaS = EIMS

Robotics as a Service+
Machine Learning as a Service=
Enterprise Integrated Managed Solutions
    • High Level Automation
    • Advanced Machine Learning Algorithm
    • Enhance Safety
    • Lower Cost
    • Improve Efficiency
    • 8000+Industry Safe Robotics Operations
    • 4,000,000+Industry Safe Robotics Operations
    • 20,000+Asset Under Management

    Robotics As A Service

    • Fast Deployment
    • No or minimal CAPEX
    • No or minimal training cost
    • No or minimal maintenance cost
    • Human error reduction
    Certified Crew
  • FAA
  • AOPA
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Regulation
  • Insurance
  • Safety and risk
  • Machine Learning As A Service

    Enterprise Turnkey Solutions Shusheng’s advantage in machine learning algorithm helps our clients gain competitive edge for disruptive innovations with cost effective AI solutions.
    Drones Inspections
  • No reliance on professional pilot

  • Increase inspection efficiency by 1500%
  • Intelligent Dispatch
  • Thorough tracking of workers and gears

  • Increase efficiency by 300%

  • Lower cost by 50%

  • Millimeter Radar Beam
  • For invasion protection and detection

  • Industry leading FMCW millimeter radar beam

  • Computer Vision Surveillance System
  • Real time surveillance of abnormal PPE, staff behavior, equipment problem (fire/smoke)